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Acrobook© – World Development Report (WDR) 1978-2007 CD-ROM 2007 with selected World Development Indicators 2006, Indexed Omnibus CD ROM

The World Development Report, published by the World Bank every year since 1978, provides a wealth of information on the economic and social state of the world. An Omnibus CD-ROM edition - to include the text of all 29 editions, from 1978 to 2007, as well as PDF versions of the 2002 to 2007 editions - was planned.
Dohatec has been developing the World Bank’s, World Development Report (WDR) on Dohatec Acrobook©, www.acrobook.com, every year since 2002. The intention of the product design was to try and provide as many functionalities as possible so that users would make the best use of information dissemination and data presentation.
Acrobook© addresses the need for a one-stop, single solution interface that integrates tools used for powerful communication of content and state-of-the-art presentations. The product offers a conglomeration of an array of tools that enable the user seamless movement between different documents like Word, PDF, HTML, PowerPoint, Excel, audio and video. User proficiency with the computer need only be minimal and yet the entire range of mediums is only a mouse click away.

  • The entire 29 years of World Development Reports to be put a single CD ROM.
  • To provide interactivity to selected World Development Indicators, which incorporates development data in six tables presenting comparative socioeconomic data for more than 130 economies
  • To be able to search through the entire 29 years.
  • All contents are to be fully indexed and cross-referenced for easy searching across the volumes in the archives.
  • Multiple volumes of text are to be turned into a single powerful resource database and a encyclopedic reference
  • Indicators to be selected and tabulated or displayed in graphical form.
  • Data to be exported for use in other applications, such as spreadsheets and databases.
  • Published database to give access to over 1,000 data tables and 800 time-series indicators for 222 economies and regions

Dohatec Challenge
World Development Report also includes a selection from the World Bank’s highly regarded statistical publication, World Development Indicators, 2006 edition. Published annually, World Development Indicators comprise a comprehensive selection of statistical indicators for over 200 economies. They examine equity, a concept that is defined as equality of opportunities and the avoidance of absolute deprivation. On this disk, these indicators can be selected and tabulated or displayed in graphical form. Data can be exported for use in other applications, such as spreadsheets and databases. The World Bank WDR has a specific launch date and time is a very critical
Dohatec Opportunity
This is the fifth year Dohatec has developed the World Development Report CD ROM on Dohatec award winning Acrobook product and in every occasion the Bank incorporated: “Designed for ease and speed of use, this edition uses a complete text indexing system based on software developed by Dohatec New Media.”