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Sat, Jun 24, 2017

Dohatec's e-GP system for Bhutan

Dohatec New Media, a leading software company of Bangladesh, has designed Bhutan's electronic government procurement system which was launched on Wednesday in a state ceremony in Thimphu.

“It is matter of prestige for Bangladesh that Dohatec is competing with leading global IT solution providers,” said Luna Shamsuddoha, chairman of Dohatec.

To get the contract, Dohatec competed with leading companies from India and other developing nations, she told The Daily Star before leaving for Thimphu to attend the programme. Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay inaugurated the system.

The system, which is modelled on Bangladesh's e-GP that Dohatec developed five years ago, will have the capacity to handle 15,000 bids a year.

Bhutan's digital tendering system is being piloted now, and for the full-fledged launch and maintenance Dohatec has partnered with Bhutanese company New Edge Technology for a period of eight years.

