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Dohatec Digital Signature Tool

Intro PKI

Governments and businesses rely on Dohatec to add trust to the digital interactions. Dohatec identity management and data protection technologies underlie the transactions.

Governments in some developing countries already rely on Dohatec solutions to verify the identities of people, grant access to digital services, analyse vast amount of information and encrypt data.

Combined with our existing GovTech solutions we have built capacity in PKI space to respond to new digital security needs.

Most organizations in the world are in the centre of digital transformation and face challenges. The world is virtually connected, it has to be secure and trust is must.

Dohatec Digital Signature Tool is a Windows application that enables our clients to apply digital signatures on official documents. The documents can be either a PDF or an image file. In case of image files, the application automatically generates a PDF files with the given images. Additionally, a user can choose to combine multiple files into a single document before signing. A million documents have been signed at the company authority!

The signing is simple and intuitive. Users select a representational image for their signature and a certificate issued by Dohatec CA. The certificate are stored on user’s computer or on a USB security token. The user can also add a reason for their signature on the signature stamp. The application uses RSA with SHA256 digest algorithm to generate the digital signature.

Dohatec Digital Signature Tool ensures authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of documents through the application of Digital Signatures.